Emmons Award Winning Papers
2020 Emmons Award Winner
"Use of Polymer-Modified Asphalts (PMA) in Dense-Graded Mixtures: Internet Survey and Tools to Measure Return on Investment" by Kevin D. Stuart, Walaa Mogawer, Shane Underwood
2019 Emmons Award Winner
"Balanced Mix Design Sensitivity to Production Tolerance Limits and Binder Source" by Walaa S. Mogawer, Kevin D. Stuart, Alexander J. Austerman, Fujie Zhou, and Pedro Romero
2018 Emmons Award Winner
“Impact of Various Crumb Rubber Modifications on Asphalt Binder and Mixture Properties” by Sreelatha S. Balamurugan, Louay N. Mohammad, William H. Daly, Ioan Negulescu, Samuel B. Cooper III, Samuel B. Cooper Jr., and Gaylon L. Baumgardner
2017 Emmons Award Winner
“Application of Intermediate Temperature Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) Test Results to Design Mixtures with Improved Load Associated Cracking Resistance” by Ramon Bonaquist, Barry Paye and Carl Johnson
2016 Emmons Award Winner
“Investigation of Binder Aging and Mixture Performance of In-Service RAP Mixtures” by Stacey D. Diefenderfer, Benjamin F. Bowers, and Harikrishnan Nair