Call For Papers


Call for Papers


The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT) is soliciting papers for consideration of presentation at its 2025 Annual Meeting and Technical Sessions and for publication in a Special Collection of the Transportation Research Record (TRR). Papers reporting on studies concerning any aspect of asphalt paving technology or related fields will be considered, including asphalt materials, design, construction, maintenance/preservation, and research applications.

The following are options for submission:

  • Presentation and Publication

The option for submitters wishing to be considered for presentation at the AAPT Annual Meeting and considered for publication in a Special Collection of the Transportation Research Record (TRR). Publication decisions are made solely by the AAPT Editorial Board. Presentation decisions are made by the AAPT Board of Directors.

This is the option chosen by most submitters.

  • Publication Only

The option for submitters wishing to be considered for publication in a Special Collection of the Transportation Research Record (TRR), but who do not necessarily wish to present at the Annual Meeting. Publication decisions are made solely by the AAPT Editorial Board.

This is an option chosen by some submitters.

  • Presentation Only

The option for submitters wishing to present their work at the AAPT Annual Meeting, but who: (a) may not want to write a full paper; (b) may not want to subject their work to the paper review/selection/revision process required for publication; or (c) who have previously published their work and are interested only in presenting. Presentation decisions are made by the Board of Directors.

This is an option chosen by some submitters.

Papers submitted for consideration of Presentation and Publication or Publication Only shall be a maximum of 27 pages (8.5″ x 11″) – including figures, tables, references, and any appendices – in TRB/TRR format. See the Authors Instructions at the following link:

If authors are submitting for Presentation Only, they may submit an abstract or an extended abstract/paper. In either case, the purpose of the submission is to provide enough information for the AAPT Board of Directors to fairly assess whether to offer a presentation slot to the submitter. The Authors Instructions can help provide guidance as well.

All submissions for consideration of publication shall be made via the Transportation Research Record Editorial Manager site at  by no later than September 23, 2024.

The Special Collections name will be shown as “Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists Conference.” Submissions intended to be considered for Publication Only should indicate so in the title of the submission.

Submissions for consideration of Presentation only may be made by emailing to

Step-by-step instructions on the submission process are described in the “Submitting for a Special Collection” PDF. To be fair to other authors and reviewers, please adhere to the submission deadline.

Submissions will be reviewed by the appropriate group – the AAPT Editorial Board for those submissions seeking publication and the AAPT Board of Directors for those submissions seeking presentation at the Annual Meeting. For those seeking publication, please note that reviewer questions, comments, and suggested revisions will be shared along with the final decision on the submission. The expected timeline for the process is as follows:

Submissions Due

September 23, 2024

Decision from Board of Directors on Presentation at AAPT Annual Meeting

December 6, 2024

Decision from Editorial Board on Publication in AAPT Special Collection in TRR

December 31, 2024

Revised Submission Due

January 31, 2025

Final Notification on Paper Publication

February 28, 2025

Please contact the AAPT office (651-293-9188 or with any questions regarding requirements and the submittal-review-publication process.